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conversations with creative minds
Photograph of Peter

Hi there! I'm Peter Machen. I've been writing about arts and culture for more than 20 years. In that time, I have met and spoken to many of the people whose work I admire. Talk To Peter is a home for those inter­views as well as for my weekly podcast in which I chat to more of my favour­ite people.

Every week, I post a new con­versation, supplemented occasion­ally by  inter­views from my archives. These archive inter­views, which were mostly recorded on audio cass­ette tapes, often took place over the phone, while some took place in person or via email. I always try to have a con­versa­tion rather than conduct a Q&A and hope­fully I succeed at least some of the time! And if a little awkward­ness is sometimes part of the approach, well, I'm okay with that!

Finally, a little bit about me: I've spent most of my life in Durban, South Africa, where I was the Arts Editor of the Independent on Satur­day in the early 2000s and continued as a free­lance journalist thereafter, writing for various national and inter­national publi­cations. I am the author of two coffee-table books about my home­town and ran the Durban Inter­­national Film Festival from 2013 to 2016. I currently live in Berlin.

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Talk to Peter
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This website requires sub­stantial time and resources to keep going, which is why I have chosen to include ad­vert­ising. I am also dependent on patronage. If you enjoy the content on this site and are able to pro­­vide any fin­an­cial sup­port, no mat­ter how nominal, I would deepl­y appre­c­i­ate it. You can donate to Talk to Peter at my Patreon page or via Paypal. Thank you! Peter Machen
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